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4 Things to Do in Brasov, Romania

Posted on 10 November 2018 by admin (0)

Brasov, Romania

Brasov, Romania is one of the actual medieval cities that are not pretending to be one. It’s the best destination for you if you want to take a deep breath and relax. In Brasov, life gets slower. The weather is cool and the entire atmosphere is relaxed and romantic. Wander through the narrow cobblestone streets of Brasov and feel the great history.

It is the most visited city in Romania. Its location in one of the greatest spots in Transylvania is perfect.
Here are the best 4 things to do once you reach Brasov.  

1. Centuries-Old Churches:

One of the most impressive Gothic churches in Eastern Europe is the Black Church which appears in the pictures of the city all the time. It is one of the largest churches in the world as it can receive up to 5,000 people.
It has the second largest collection of oriental carpets after Turkey.

There are other churches too. The 13th-century fortified church of Bartolomeu is also one of the best churches there. It is the oldest monument in Brasov Romania.

The final church is the Orthodox Church Saint Nicolae. It was built in the 14th century and it has a great Romanian community surrounding it.

2. Tampa Mountain:

Tampa Mountain has a huge Hollywood-like saying “BRASOV” which you will notice from your first moments in the city.
Take the cable car or follow one of two hiking paths to the top. If you hike, plan on an hour’s walk up. Once you get there, walk the short path to the big white letters. It is not hard, but it is better to wear comfortable shoes. At the end, besides the “V” in Brasov is a viewing scene for a gorgeous birds-eye view of the city.

3. Black and White Towers:

There is a walkway behind the city’s old wall fortifications on the opposite side of Tampa Mountain’s sign where you can discover both the White Tower and the Black Tower. The White Tower was built in 1494 and it retains more of its historic charm. The Black Tower was named after a bolt of lightning struck it.
It was recently renovated to include a glass roof.
It is a great experience to climb both towers which have wooden staircases to climb for city views.

4. The narrowest streets in Europe:

String Street is one of the strangest features of the city. Strada Sforii is 53 inches at its widest point and just 44 inches at its most narrow point. Once you find it, you are going to wonder how it passes as a street while looking more like a passageway. Firemen used to use it to get between the tightly packed houses.

• The Conclusion:

Romania has one of the best Gothic cities in Europe. Visit it for a new experience and atmosphere instead of our modern, busy lives like seen in the Hong Kong or Hawaii scene.

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